The blogosphere is big. No, wait. Actually, is HUGE and keeps on getting bigger every day with thousands of new blogs being launched. In such a competitive environment, the chances of “making it big” with your blog are drastically reduced, unless you play your cards right. Unless you publish a unique blog, it will disappear like dust in the wind.

But what’s behind a unique blog? Does your blog have what it takes to be considered unique? Let’s find out!

Unique is a collaborative term

It’s not just about the topic you choose for your blog. With 133 million blog records indexed by Technorati since 2002, I’m yet to be convinced that there is a topic of real interest that hasn’t been approached. I’m not saying not to look for something new. I’m just saying that there are also other things that make your blog one of a kind. Among them, these are the ones that matter most:

  1. Choose a domain name with a twist! Make it short memorable.
  2. Get a custom design. If you cannot afford one, at least get a premium theme or a free theme that offers enough customization options.
  3. Write you own content. Don’t copy. Don’t rewrite.
  4. Find your own voice. Develop your own writing style, with your own twist. Some choose a certain amount of humor while other prefer a more professional, balanced approach.
  5. Explore your topics. Go beyond the surface information. Analyze, share views and opinions and guide your readers. Add that extra-feeling of personal experience.
  6. Brand yourself. Find your spot and personality in the blogosphere. Be the “thinker”, “helper”, “announcer”, be whatever fits you, just pick a role and stick with it.

All of the above are meant to make you easier to identify in a mass of amazingly similar blogs and bloggers. If you want to survive as a blogger, you need to find a way to take your blog out of the crowd. You need that unique blog!